Pre-Trial Motions

Common Pre-Trial Motions by Defense Attorneys After arraignment, pre-trial and motions comes the time for trial. Most defendants are very confused about what happens before trial. One of the most important things a defense attorney can do is file “Pre-Trial” motions. These are motions that are filed before the jury is sworn to ensure a […]

DUI, Alcohol and the Human Body

DUI and the Human Body The earliest and most widely used drug in existence is grain alcohol. It was used as a sedative for early surgical procedures and for festive celebrations. Most DUI cases involve alcohol or a combination of alcohol and marijuana or prescription medication. Because of this, most prosecutors are trained in presenting […]

DUI Punishment: Orange County vs. L.A.

DUI Arrests in L.A. versus Orange County Being arrested for a DUI in Los Angeles County will generally have different consequences than being arrested in Orange County. Most individuals who are arrested for a DUI are very concerned about the terms and conditions of their probation, whether they will do jail time, whether they will […]

DUI Defense Motions

DUI Defense Motions Most experienced DUI attorneys have a list of preset motions to attack the prosecutor’s case. One vehicle in attacking the prosecutor’s case is to attack the foundation of their evidence. Successfully doing so will undermine the prosecutor’s case and is more likely to lead to a Not Guilty verdict or an outright […]

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Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher

Whether it’s a DUI, domestic violence, suspended license, traffic tickets, or any other criminal matter, the Law Offices of Mark A. Gallagher can help. Schedule your FREE consultation below or call us at 800-797-8406. For more information, visit